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daniela filippelli
With acrylic paint and brushes, the Swiss artist conjures up works of art that make a lasting impression in the memory thanks to their extravagant color combinations and strong motifs.
In addition to large-format original works, series of works have also been created. Daniela Filippelli has developed her very own working technique for this, in which she, as an artist and graphic designer, brings the real and digital worlds together: she skillfully combines her digital design expertise with her expressive painting. Her works are far from any fashion trend and yet have their finger on the pulse of time.
With her extraordinary style, she constantly reinvents people, faces and everyday scenes. Particularly striking are the bold brushstrokes with which she decorates her works and gives them their uniqueness. Daniela Filippelli, who also works as a graphic designer in the multimedia field, wants her paintings to challenge viewers to leave the familiar and engage in a new experience. With her art, she does not simply convey the image of a face or person, but also the soul behind that person. It is this realization that completes the experience of her works for the viewer.
Filippelli finds her inspiration in her fellow human beings, their experiences and what is happening on this earth. Her strong confidence in her work and her own behavior also allow her to go off the beaten path in search of her inner self and transfer these insights to the canvas, making them tangible to the eyes of outsiders.
Hallo Light You Are Outstanding
/ Acrylic on canvas /
/ Unique piece /
/ 140 cm x 120 cm /
/ Acrylic on canvas /
/ Unique piece /
/ 100 cm x 115 cm /
Sidolsk 2
/ Acrylic on canvas /
/ Unique piece /
/ 80 cm x 70 cm /
Welcome To Paradise
/ Acrylic on canvas /
/ Unique piece /
/ 100 cm x 115 cm /
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