wim steins
Dutch artist Wim Steins was born in 1953. He studied sculpture at ‚Stadsakademie voor toegepastekunsten‘ in Maastricht from 1971 to I976 and then got practice working in several german art-studios until I980. After that he started his successful career as a freelance-artist. His work was (and is) exhibited in many galleries in Europe and overseas and represented in private collections as well as public places. In the ArteCasa Gallery we particularly present Wim Steins‘ bronce-bulls. Bulls which in no way remind to bull-fighting or any other kind of aggression or violence.
Selected Exhibitions (single & group shows)
Tetat Maastricht – Holland
Galerie Husstege Den Bosch – Holand
Euopapark Rust – Germany
Dutch embassy in Bonn – Germany
Oslo – Norway
Dutch embassy in Djakarta – Singapure
Galerie De Beukenhof – Belgium
Galerie Kurzendorfer Pilsach – Germany
Kunsthalle Giessen – Germany
Galerie ArteCasa – Mallorca, Spain
Museum Thorn – Holland
Selected private and public adquisitions
NS Station Utrecht central – Europapark Rust (several) – Bank Ned Gemeedten
Den Haag – Rabobank Kerkrade — Residencia Zargualeta Marbella
Loberplatz Giessen – RA Dr. Thoma Waldkirch
Ned. Mimepn’js I993 – M.K.B. Innovation prize Limburg
/ Bronce /
/ Unique piece /
/ 89 cm x 70 cm x 56 cm /
/ Bronce /
/ Unique piece /
/ 186 cm x 97 cm x 72 cm /
Are you interested in the artist Wim Steins?
Then send us a message, we will take care of your request as soon as possible.