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luca monzani

Luca Monzani wanted to be an architect, left Fine Arts „to avoid falling into the academic tentacles“ and had the courage to devote himself to painting. From Turin he traveled to Barcelona where he was fascinated to discover that he could do whatever he wanted. He met his art dealer and with one foot in Barcelona and the other in the USA, he took off. Even today his concern is to be able to continue painting, being true to himself, without stereotypes. Luca Monzani perceives reality in large format and uses the colors that the countries where he paints offer him and that filter the sieve of his vital state. The painter has danced in Barcelona, he has seen flamingos fly in Miami; he has faced the bulls in Jerez; he has captured the strength of the horses in the Arab Emirates and Qatar and, in Mallorca, he has flown over the mills of the Pla, he has perceived the stillness of the patios of Palma and has found in the lighthouses, the light to continue navigating. „Let reality not limit the imagination“.

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